What Is This?
This is a clothing swap event. The week of April 7-10 will be utilized to accept donations of clothing and items. Then, April 11th will be the "shopping day" in which students come to the event, pick out what they need, and leave with no transactions, expectations, or questions asked.We will be accepting a wide variety of items (clothing, skincare, makeup, baby items, parenting necessities, linens, toys, etc), so here is a list of items we will NOT be accepting:
- Unwashed clothing/items
- Undergarments for the groin area
- Messy makeup/skincare
- Items that pose a health concern
- Items intended for violence (self defense items are tentatively accepted)Any left over items will be donated after the event ends-For donations, please contact [email protected] and coordinate with Grey about drop offs.
Where Will It Be?
The event will be on April 11th from 11am-4pm. Location is pending, please join our GroupMe for more updates!
Club members who have paid their dues + anyone who has monetarily donated to the club will gain access at 12:30pm, giving them 30 extra minutes of private shopping time.
About the Event
ASL In True Color is a clothing swap designed to bring the campus closer as a community in liue of Senate Bill 17 (SB17) affecting our university.
We at MavThat ASL Club have partnered with numerous clubs to bring an event of this scale to life.Though not officially part of clothing swap history, these events hold a significant place in the LGBTQ community. It is a place for those who cannot access gender affirming clothing to have a chance at picking some out. We accept bras, binders, packers, trans-tape, and a variety of other items which could support a transgender individual's journey.In addition to supporting the LGBTQ community, it is a great event for other people with different circumstances to get things they need or even something as simple as a little pick-me-up!
ASL In True Color is a clothing swap designed to bring the campus closer as a community in liue of Senate Bill 17 (SB17) affecting our university.
We at MavThat ASL Club have partnered with numerous clubs to bring an event of this scale to life.Though not officially part of clothing swap history, these events hold a significant place in the LGBTQ community. It is a place for those who cannot access gender affirming clothing to have a chance at picking some out. We accept bras, binders, packers, trans-tape, and a variety of other items which could support a transgender individual's journey.In addition to supporting the LGBTQ community, it is a great event for other people with different circumstances to get things they need or even something as simple as a little pick-me-up!
Who Can Attend?
All UTA students, staff, and faculty can attend the clothing swap. We would love to bring in the whole Arlington community, but we needed to limit who can access this event due to logistical restraints.
Get Involved
If you're interested in volunteering, please check out our website and join the GroupMe! You'll be able to get information through there about volunteering for the event.If you want to contribute but don't have the time to volunteer, you can donate or spread the word! Share this with everyone you know and hopefully we can reach everyone in UTA!